1. Why haven't I received an email notification?

When you place an order, we will send you a confirmation email, and when the product is shipped, we will also send you a confirmation email too. If you have not received the email, please check if it has been classified as spam by your email provider. If so, you can add our email to the whitelist. If you still have not received the email, don't worry, you can check your purchase history on our website. Of course, you can also contact our customer service team (service@hotli.live) at any time.

2. How do I check my delivery status?

We will send you a notification email when the product is shipped. If you have not received the email, please contact our customer service team (service@hotli.live) and provide your name or order number, and we will check the tracking number for you.

3. Why didn't I enjoy the discount offered in the live streaming for my order?

We will provide discount codes during live streaming on our TikTok account, and using the discount code when paying can get the corresponding discount. If you place an order during the live streaming, please use the corresponding discount code at checkout, otherwise the system will not automatically discount. If you forget to use the discount code, don't worry, you can email our customer service team (service@hotli.live) to explain the situation, and we will verify and refund the discount to your payment account.

4.How can I return the products? When will I receive the refund?

If you wish to return the products, please check if you meet our return requirements (refer to the Returns and Exchanges Policy page). For eligible return requests, please send an email to our customer service team(service@hotli.live), and we will inform you of the return method. Once we receive your returned product and verify that it meets the requirements, we will initiate the refund process, and the time it takes for you to receive the refund will depend on your card issuer.